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♥ ~ When a person Remembers their True Worth. . .♥

Once, completely Confused;


 Terrified ~ Vulnerable & Frozen

Searching deep ‘with-in’

To the very Depths of their Soul

Sensing a forgotten,

and yet familiar ‘Presence’

A warm breathe begins to radiate 

Melting the hard THICK walls 

Once necessary, for their very survival

But now, serve as a new Prison

Cutting /off the very essence of Love,

that can satisfy their painful longing…

This Presence inspires

a renewed determination,

of Hope and Courage..!

Painfully at first,

And Ever, so slowly

‘Opening Up’

Deep Scars, are painful reminders of the past.

Regretfully, remembering the Anguish ~

But wearing them, ‘so’ Proudly…!

No longer Settle~
for what was,
Somehow – ( ‘OK’ )

Never lying to themselves 

About~ how things; “weren’t ‘That’ bad”~ ?

“Didn’t deserve ‘Anything’ better”~ ?

Or that… “It was somehow, all their fault ? ! ?

~ When a person ‘Really’ realizes~ their true worth ~

Become completely determined

~ { As One Possessed } ~

To fully and Completely ~ BELIEVE…! ~

Finally growing into the Beautiful person~

‘Once’ dreamed ~Yet always knew

that they ~ could, Should
and WOULD: { BE-come..! }

Out of their Ancient Mysticism
Remembering the limitless Power
of Unconditional: Acceptance, Kindness and Compassion…

Understanding ‘Now’, that it never ‘Really’ mattered~
“What others said;
They Always were, & ‘Forever’ are

completely worthy of
Unconditional, Love and Respect.

‘Roots’ borrowing down, deeper and Deeper…
Searching for; and finally being Filling with
the Sacred fountain of Living water

Restoring the essence of their Soul

~ When a person ‘Realizes’~ their true Worth…

Quietly, yet firmly,
swearing a Sacred Oath;
that, No matter ‘What’~ from Now on,
To Always BE ~
“Totally, Authentic & True to their ‘Soul’~ self…”

Living from their ‘deepest’ {♥}-felt Desires”…

From their Untilled~
cracked and barren Soil…
they pulls Precious Jewels &
Price- less Pearls of Wisdom…

With-in hidden Vulnerabilities,
like an Eternal flame,
they Realizes their ~ Own ~ Source ~ of
Sunshine on ‘Rainy’ days…

Now, ever… so Gracefully and Gently…
birthing ~ Joy, Love and Freedom,
into their ~
Once weakened and down-Trodden Soul…

~When a Person Realizes~ their ‘True’ Worth…

Rejoicing at Last ~ !
NOW ~ The Sun ‘being’ Risen…!
The Sleeper has Awoken…!!!

And ‘Is no longer’
a {Voice- less Victim}
Suffering in Plain View…

Forgiving themselves;, confident,
that Deception & Manipulation are
‘Now’ forever Powerless!
And will~ Never-ever ‘sway’ or fool them Again…!!!

Like a Secrete Treasure Chest ~ ‘long ago buried’…
Limit-less Creativity and Joy…
Total Peace & Love~ Spring- Forth ~
Overflowing the Heart with Laughter & Pure Bliss..

Alive with her Hopes and Dreams…
Focused fully upon the Truth…
Loving fearlessly; Without Control or Attachment…

Flying with the Angels
~ they who ‘know their’ name,
Bow in Respect, Reverence and Awe…

‘Shining forth’~ ‘Like a Million exploding Stars’…
~ ‘drawing the ‘One’ who is…
{ Equal in Love…} ~ !

The One, who is ( Brave-Enough )
to Be by their side will never
~ Over-shadow, Abandon or Betray…

His Respect and Honor will be her eternal Crown…

Her Compassion and Courage
~ Frees his Soul from the Cruel bondage
to ‘macho’ Fears & Pride…

His gentile wisdom and kindness ~
unending Patience and Understanding ~
Frees her, to Reveal her tender Heart…

She will Save him, with a Loving embrace…♥

Healing his broken and wounded Soul…
Allows him to be Proud
to be know ‘as a simple man’…

Gratefully, he will Cherish Each & every moment,
that they are together~ Yet, Always~
Giving her room to Grow…

~ When a man Realizes~ his true ‘Worth’…

They Will Constantly Shower each other with
‘the’ Praise and Adoration ~
~ that has for Way ~ ‘Too Long’ ~ Been ~
[Wrongfully & Cruelly] ~ DENIED…!
& Yet ~ { Soo ~ Completely, & Utterly, ‘Worthy Of’…! }

An Unconditional & ‘All~ Consuming Empathy’,
Truly: Listening and Talking from the Heart ~
with Honesty, Compassion & Gentleness…!♥!

They can ‘then’ Become,
‘what-ever’ their Heart’s Envision…
Beating as ‘One Soul’ as it was
{Always} meant to Be…

Surrendering forever & Ever…
To their ‘New’ Vision of a ~* Higher*
“Self~ Love…
Self- Confidence..
& Self- Respect”..!

~ His focused mind becomes Saturated
with her Sweetness, like a balloon~
filling with the Rarest of Perfumes…

Forever and Ever, night and day,
he will Suckle & Worship,
on the Sweet Nectar of her
Endless Beauty & Compassion…!

Her ‘Breath of Life’, Coursing through his Veins,
as he drinks Slowly & Deeply…
From the Overflowing Enchanted Well, of her Heart…

Ever so Gently and Lovingly,
he will Sing to her~ the ‘Almost Lost’
Sacred song of Time-less Love…

Inspiring her to Dance
with all her might, Heart & SOUL…!
Holding him Spellbound,
with her Beauty & Soul-full Gaze ~

‘Finally’ ~ When They realizes ~ Their True Worth ~ ‘Together’… !

They will Re-defining Forever~

Our Understanding of the ~

[ Deeply Hidden & Magical ] ~ ‘Forgotten’ SECRET…

That~ True ~ Freedom ‘Is’ Possible…

{ ‘With~ In’ Being Completely~ “In” LOVE… ! }

~Then the Sun will be Jealous…

And the Moon will Hide out of Shame…

And the Earth will Cry-out, I am Saved…!

For Never has the Universe ‘seen’~ such a Glorious sight !

As these two ~ ‘Angelic’ ~ Beings:

{ Soo Fear~ Less and Brave } Opened ~ { All~ Out } ~

Innocent & Defense- Less ~ Madly ‘In~ LOVE’

While ‘Be-ing’, Totally ~ Self~ less & Free…

Completely Inspiring & Redeeming All of humanity…

Leading the Entire Universe~

into Un-told Joy, Peace & Freedom…♥

Forever and Ever, Establishing a ‘New Area’

of~ Prosperity, LOVE & Enlightenment for All…!”

“~ When a man Realizes~ his True Worth… “

© ~ by Mystic Francis 2010

Your faith comes alive when you see the Truth

The mind can’t understand the Christ, but the heart already knows the truth that will set you free.  Quiet the mind and use the heart to find the Christ within, and you will discover the Living Water that Jesus promised at the ‘well’.  When Jesus taught the people in Samaria, in the Gospel of John 4:4-42.  He never told them to go kill some innocent animal to cover their sins, so that God wouldn’t judge them…??

No Jesus never taught that our Father desired blood sacrifices…  John 4:23 -24.   The English word “worship” was originally spelled “worth-ship” and means to acknowledge the nature of the object worshiped.   Jesus never taught or practiced blood sacrifice, because He understood the true nature of God.  The nature of God is pure Love, pure optimism, pure grace, pure forgiveness, pure truth.  Only an evil monster would demand animal sacrifices to ‘pay’ for the sins of our fathers, passed on to us through original sin.

I believe that refusing to offer ‘God’ an animal sacrifice was the ‘great heresy’ that the Jewish leaders killed Jesus for preaching and practicing.  He told his followers to not go to the temple and sacrifice animals to ‘God’.  But to symbolically celebrate, a new covenant, that  blood sacrifice are not pleasing to God, through the Last Supper.  The last supper is a celebration of Christ’s teaching, blood sacrifices are not pleasing to God.

The only people who seemed to understand this were the Jews who later rejected Christ as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.  The Jewish people no longer perform animal sacrifices because they ‘got’ what Jesus was teaching.  And they knew that Jesus would never approve of being the Lamb of God any more than he would have approved the killing of innocent animals.

Do you really believe God delights in animal sacrifices?

Jesus came to save man from the lie ‘that only through blood sacrifice, can we be reunited with God’s Love‘.  Jesus taught, the kingdom of God is now.  Just believe, if you can’t believe that God is unconditional Love, than look at Jesus, and what he truly taught and lived…

Our lies bind us

Truth will set you free!… I was in listening prayer, and I saw a vision; myself sitting in a chair with my mouth gagged and my arms tied behind my back.  I silently called out to Jesus, and he came to me.  I saw him coming towards me and he gently removed the gag and the ties that bound me.  He then helped me to my feet and said “Don’t be afraid to speak your Truth in Love.”  Then he said “walk with me”.

As I walked with him, he taught me that I can’t control everything, but that I must choose to love always, even when it doesn’t feel ‘right’ to me…  He told me “Don’t dwell on past mistakes, this will just show you that life isn’t fair.  For your mind judges yourself harshly”

He told me to “take this moment and reaffirm that you are my disciple.  Don’t be afraid, I am the good Sheppard.  If you will be my disciple, I will teach you the ways of eternal life.  But you must not merely be a hearer of my words, but a doer.  I have come so that you may have eternal life, that your Joy may be complete.

I didn’t come to judge the world, but to save it from the darkness within the minds of man.  Joy is the light, ecstasy and happiness that removes all darkness.  This is why I came and still come to anyone who calls on my name.  Keep your eyes upon me and I will make your Joy complete…”

He went on to say…  “Why do you resist my Joy?  Why settle for peace and hope when you can be in eternal bliss, right now?  It is because you want to feel in control.  Control is what you think that you need to be safe.  But control is the WORST illusion of man.

You review events from your past and think, ‘if I had only done this or that, then things would have turned out as you wanted.’  And then you vow to be More in control, but this is your deepest trap.

You are like a gambler who focuses on his few victories and believes that he has found the secrete to controlling the outcome.  You see the ridiculousness of others who chase the wind of control, but you stay totally blind to your own foolish pursuits…”

Jesus went on to teach me…

“Salvation is in me, and I in you.  All you need to do is believe that nothing can ever separate you from my Love, and you will be complete, lacking in nothing.  And then choose to walk in me so that your Joy my be complete moment by moment for all eternity…”

“Please, stop trying to understand everything, and just accept that I love you with no conditions, no rules, no limits, no boundaries.  You are the apple of my eye, my soul-mate, my life.  When I look at you I see the beauty that surpasses a million sunsets.  You are the reason that I created everything.  I needed someone to love who could know that I love them, and would love me in return.  Never, ever doubt my unconditional love for you!”

There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.  For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death.

For I am convinced, that neither death, nor life, nor angles, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:1-2;38-39

God never stops reaching out to us...

Non-Attachment, to all man-made delusions, leads us  to the Truth that will set you free!   With courage we must once again believe in the unconditional Limit-less Love of God. Religion is hope, Spirit is life, why hope when you can live!

Jesus came not to judge the world, for man had already judged it himself.  People have come up with all sorts of myths about what one must do to please God and be in His/Her good grace.  Christ came to preach the Good News, God can never stopped loving us; no matter what we believe, say or do!

As long as we look for the Christ outside of ourselves, we will never find Him.  All truth comes from Spirit and is found in our Soul when the mind and body are quieted.  Even ‘good’ quotes from the Bible aren’t as good as experiencing the Christ within.

We judged God and ourselves

Adam and Eve had the closest relationship with God, and they had no Bible to read.  If we want to return to the ‘Garden of Paradise’, then we need to see that God never abandons us.  It was our guilt and fear that clothed us with the impure thought; that we are unworthy of God’s constant abiding love and healing presence.

The ‘snake’ was a symbol for the impure thought; you can’t trust God.  Whenever we doubt the trustworthiness of God, believing God is not pure Love, we leave the ‘Garden of Eden’.  WE reject the beauty and simplicity of the Truth; being Love-able doesn’t depend on our goodness, but the goodness of God. And believe me, God is good. He will never leave you because of your weaknesses or lack of understanding.

We have created elaborate lies about how God sent us out of the ‘Garden’ and is judging us as unworthy to re-enter it.  We create complicated rituals, that we then attribute to being God’s plan of redemption.  However, these ideas are our distortions of Love.

God can do all things except for one, God can’t stop being Love.  And God’s Love is not conditional.   Love always allows free will, even if the thoughts of man are wrong.  God allows us to doubt ‘His’ unconditional Love, and thus suffer in our ignorance, at our own hands.

All the true Prophets of God have had one pure message.  God wants everyone to prosper and live in peace, joy and love.  No matter what you look like, believe in, or do; you can’t change the nature of God.   For God is Love

For God so loved the world (every person), that He gave His only begotten Son (Jesus), that whoever believes in him should not perish, (at their own hand) but have eternal life (joy, peace, love).  For God didn’t send the Son into the world to judge the world, (We had already judged ourselves) but that the world should be saved (from our false fears and judgments) through him.

Jesus’ greatest gift, wasn’t him saving us from a ‘vengeful’ God, but his pure teaching that nothing could ever separate us from the unconditional love of God, even brutally kill His only begotten son…

Are these lines straight?

Do we really see our past experiences as they really happened?  Of course not!  Only the ego believe that past memories are anything but illusions about illusions, held within the ego driven, illusive and forgetful mind.  I used to obsess over the past.  I feared that someone or something was recording everything I had ever done.  And if I didn’t ‘make right’ the areas that I believed God judged as wrong, I would be punished.  Karma, misunderstood, is a similar concept, however, I don’t believe that God or karma are keeping track of our memories.

No, we are our own judge and jury.  We judge ourselves harshly, and then we expect punishment, then our expectations of punishment, pull unpleasant situations into our life.  We do all this in a vain attempt to make things right…???

But my Mom had it right, two wrongs don’t make a right.  Or as Gandhi said, “An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.”  It seems to me that when someone or something happens that hurts me, I then add to the wrong and do things that also hurts myself.  Two wrongs, trying to make it right…???

When we are hurt and choose to get upset, our anger is rarely directed in a positive direction.  Some people say that righteous anger is a good thing.  And I think that all emotions are good, it’s how we choose to direct these emotions that determines whether the outcome is positive or not.  This is why forgiveness is so important, it rewrites the past and holds ourselves and others as blameless.  This is how I believe Jesus, God and karma see all of us.  Blameless, holy and pure.  This is the true Gospel, the lost good news that Jesus taught, lived and died for…

For God so loved the World, that He sent Jesus to tell the good news:  animal sacrifices were never needed to receive God’s blessing; and that whoever believes in God’s unconditional and eternal love, will start living immediately in eternal joy, peace, love and happiness.  Now and forever, eternal life.  This is the Gospel, the good news, why Jesus died and why death couldn’t keep him in the grave!  John 3:16  seen through the eyes of truth…

I believe that there is a divine inner Artist in all of us.   

Dream with me, and imagine a new world of peace, love and harmony.   Be the Artist…

I am always surprised by the awesome changes in my emotions when I shift my attention to see Love in everything and everyone.  Fear can distract us from the Truth, but the Truth has a way of coming through in the most peculiar ways.

Today, my heart filled with great joy and peace when I remembered some old worship songs of praise.  While I was at work, I found myself singing at the top of my lungs.  It was truly inspirational.

I no longer go to a charismatic or Pentecostal church.  I found their beliefs  too limiting and close minded.  I dream of a day when I can go to a spirit-filled, new thought church, where we can worship God in spirit and truth!

Dare to dream with me today.

Trade your logic for AWE…

I used to trust in dogma, it felt safe to me.  I learned to focus on the small separate parts.

The outward faces of man... "L I A R"

I analyzed everything from an ‘objective’, scientific and rational view.  And then believed that I could understand how everything ‘fits’ together.  I was afraid to follow my heart, and I even wished that I could control my emotions.  Feelings were an unwelcome distraction, when there were so many things to do…

However, I have now come to trust and love my emotions, they can take the most difficult circumstances and create peace, joy and harmony.  The heart can see more Truth than a thousand theologians could ever explain.  Opening my heart, I can now ‘see’ the unseen realities of God.  And they are much more beautiful than the mind could ever comprehend.

When we forget that love is so much greater than the simple concepts of man, we become slaves of our own limiting beliefs.  Our  doctrine’s then become the very prison bars for our own fearmade ‘hell’.  We can then miss the deep spiritual truths of God, and settle for an outward appearance of ‘holiness’.

I now dream in 4D, where my love builds bridges to freedom.  Following my heart, I have discovered that the awesome healing, empowering, and creative forces of the Holy Spirit, dwell in my Higher self.  My ‘Higher Power’ is the creator of Heaven and Earth, and lives and breaths in my Soul!

“Trade your logic for AWE, and you are healed instantly…” -FDG

He who is lacking in knowledge and understanding need only to  ask for guidance and wisdom.   For Wisdom is always only a breath away.  You can’t complain of lack in your life when you haven’t asked for wisdom.  Wisdom is the Truth that your mind can never create, but that your spirit already knows.

Cain's distress after killing Abel

All the judgments of humanity are but dirty lies that cloud our true seeing as she sees. It is when we open our eyes and see ourselves and others as we truly are, that Sophia’s song will sing anew in our hearts.  Revenge, is when you take the poison, and wait for the other person to die.  We burden ourselves with needless sorrows.

I am begging you, please open your heart today to the sweet song of Sophia, her words of forgiveness, truth and unending love will heal your mind and quench you Soul.  Don’t resist her, for she is your only true companion.  Place all your trust and hope in her, and your life will stop being a burden, and your true dreams will become real.

As surely as you are alive, she sings to you in your sleep, in your daydreaming, in the quietness of your heart.  Fear of rejection, punishment and failure are pulling you away from her, your one true love.  But her forgiveness is unending, her patience is eternal; she cannot grow weary or loss hope, for you are her soul-mate, her everlasting lover.  Death can only bring you closer to her, but she doesn’t want your life, only your trust, respect and openness.

Remember the days when you danced with her in your youth, how she longs to restore your innocence.  For in her mind, you are innocent and pure of heart.  You may have forgotten your beauty, but Sophia will never see you as anything other than blameless, holy and pure.  Rekindle your lost passion for her and she will make you whole again, as a new child, mysterious and full of hope.

“If you think the Truth hurts, try living a lie…” -FDG

Genuine heartfelt gratitude is the most under-estimated force of the universe.  When one opens their eyes to see with a thankful heart, they are literally creating Heaven on Earth.  This is why criticism is so painful and literally creates Hell on Earth.  When we choose gratefulness, it is like all the angels of Heaven fly a little closer to the Earth.

All day, every day, we are either attracting demons with our rudeness or angels with our loving attitude.  The gates of Hell and Heaven should have written above them, ingratitude or gratitude.  If you’re wondering where you will go when you die.  Look no further than where you are now.

You can’t spend a lifetime of hanging out with the devil and expect to go to Heaven when you die.  No, I can assure you there will be no ungrateful people in Heaven.

And honestly, the ungrateful wouldn’t like Heaven anyway; the light would be too bright, the people too happy, the music too soothing, and the most important part;

No-one there willing to listen to your constant complaining, about everything

No, Hell will be much more comfortable for the ungrateful.  Everyone will be unhappy and complaining, as it Should be…?!?

Gratitude however, literally releases the power of heaven in our lives.  It transforms what we have into more than enough.  It turns judgment into acceptance, dreams into reality, loving to being In-love,  living into being – alive-awakened-aware.  All problems turn into challenges, regrets into  lessons, confusion into clarity, loose into gain.

The unstoppable power of genuine thankfulness cannot be contained by Hells gates or mans cruelty.  It’s infinite creativity turn our past mistakes into perfect lessons, today’s struggles into divine gifts, and the future – Heaven only knows…

“Religion is hope, Spirit is life, why hope when you can live” – FDG

to be continued